Milk Punch with Scotch & Honteri | Mizkan Chef
honteri milk punch

Milk Punch with Scotch & Honteri

Rich says “A traditional milk punch with a festive twist that requires a few hours prep as you need to split the milk and citrus. In this recipe Honteri is mixed with a little sugar syrup to create an amazing balance of sweetness and, again, that all important texture!”

Pairs with Shiitake Broth & Miso Tofu Shot

LevelLevel: Easy

ServesServes: 1

Prep TimePrep Time: 60 mins

Cook TimeCook Time: n/a


50ml Scotch (Rich uses Johnnie Walker)

5g white miso

1/3 tonka bean

2g cinnamon stick

30ml lemon juice

25ml almond milk (or regular milk if non-vegan)

20ml Mizkan Honteri Mirin-style

2ml sugar syrup


1. In a tall vessel add the whisky, lemon juice, tonka bean and cinnamon. Leave to infuse overnight in the fridge.

2. The next day, remove the vessel from the fridge. In a separate – and similar – vessel, pour in the milk.

3. Being careful, pour the whisky mix into the milk, ensuring all the spices stay infusing. Note – the milk should start to curdle – set aside for approximately 1 hour, then carefully pour through a coffee filter to collect the milk solids. Repeat this last step – through the same coffee filter to ensure the liquid is not cloudy.

4. Balance with 20ml Honteri and 2ml sugar syrup per drink for sweetness.

Rich Woods

Having opened both Duck & Waffle and Sushisamba in 2012, Rich Woods, AKA ‘The Cocktail Guy’ is a multi-award-winning bartender. Impressing critics, connoisseurs and media alike, in 2014 he earned first place in the UK and Ireland Bombay Sapphire’s ‘World’s Most Imaginative Bartender Competition’ followed by second place in the world finals.

In 2015 he received the honour of being the first bartender to participate in the highly prestigious charity event ‘Who’s Cooking Dinner?’. Rich has made numerous radio and TV appearances, such as the Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch and ITV’s This Morning. Most recently he was listed among the London Evening Standard’s Progress 1000, as one of the most influential people in the capital and led team London to win the 24hr Bar Build competition.

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